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Sarah Evans

Get Body Confident for Summer

Your spring break may have already passed, but there is no reason that you shouldn't be summer ready! I believe that being confident is a mindset and how we truly feel, but sometimes the actions we take for ourselves give us the added boost of confidence that we need to step out and feel comfortable. What steps are you taking today to help you achieve your goals to a body confident you for this summer?

Here are 6 tips to help you get body confident for summer!

1.) Drink a gallon of water. Staying hydrated is so important, it not only affects our insides but also your skin!

2.) Get your workout in. I prefer in the morning that way unexpected events can't prevent me from going and getting it done later in the day.

3.) Throw in some cardio, 15-20 mins a day can make all the difference in seeing some results in your body. Don't think you have to be running just a nice steady state will be fine too! Something is better than nothing! ;)

4.) Eat a lean protein diet with complex and simple carbs (rice, potatoes, black beans etc..for complex) and some healthy fats. Be careful on your healthy fat intake though.

5.) Reduce your sugar by cutting out sodas and sweet snacks. Limit your intake to 35 grams a day.. can you take on the challenge ?

6.) Sleep and Rest! Make sure you body is getting plenty of rest so it can recovery from your workouts. Also plenty of rest helps us feel better and when we feel better we look better too!

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